The Strength Training Anatomy Workout

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Фредерик Делавье - одаренный художник с исключительным знанием анатомии человека. Он изучал морфологию и анатомию в течение пяти лет в престижной Школе изящных искусств в Париже и три года изучал вскрытие в Парижском факультете медицины. Бывший главный редактор французского журнала PowerMag, Делавье в настоящее время является журналистом французского журнала Le Monde du Muscle и автором ряда других публикаций о мышцах, в том числе Men's Health Germany. Он является автором бестселлеров «Анатомия силовых тренировок» и «Анатомия силовых тренировок для женщин». Делавье выиграл титул во французском пауэрлифтинге в 1988 году и ежегодно выступает с докладами о применении биомеханики в спорте на конференциях в Швейцарии. Его педагогические усилия принесли ему Гран-при техники и спортивной педагогики. Делавье живет в Париже, Франция.

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The Strength Training Anatomy Workout книга pdf прочитать и скачать Фредерик Делавье

Over one million readers have turned to "The Strength Training Anatomy Workout" for strength training's most effective exercises. The book is designed to help readers understand the principles of strength training and how to perform exercises correctly to maximize results. This book is your guide to creating the body and the results you want:

  • Strengthen arms and legs
  • increase muscle mass
  • sculpt chest, back, and core
  • firm glutes
  • increase hip flexibility

 ... it's all here and all in the stunning detail that only Frederic Delavier can provide! Over 150 full-color illustrations allow you to get inside more than 200 exercises and 50 workouts to see how muscles interact with surrounding joints and skeletal structures. You'll also discover how variations, progressions, and sequencing can affect muscle recruitment, the underlying structures, and ultimately the results.

The book is organized into several sections that cover different aspects of strength training, including the anatomy of muscles, types of exercises, and training programs:

  • The first section of the book provides an overview of muscle anatomy and how different muscles work together to perform specific movements. The book is richly illustrated with detailed anatomical drawings that help readers understand the muscle groups involved in different exercises.
  • The second section of the book covers different types of exercises, including weightlifting, bodyweight exercises, and cardio exercises. Each exercise is described in detail, with step-by-step instructions and illustrations that demonstrate proper form and technique. The book also includes variations on each exercise, allowing readers to customize their workouts to meet their specific needs and goals.
  • The third section of the book focuses on designing strength training programs. The book provides guidance on how to structure a training program based on individual goals, fitness level, and schedule. The book also includes sample programs that readers can use as a starting point for their own training.

The step-by-step instructions and detailed illustrations make it easy for readers to perform exercises correctly and safely. The book also offers guidance on designing effective training programs that can be customized to meet individual needs and goals.

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