Nutrition and Enhanced Sports Performance: Muscle Building, Endurance, and Strength

Nutrition and Enhanced Sports Performance: Muscle Building, Endurance, and Strength pdf


Debasis Bagchi








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Debasis Bagchi ha conseguito il dottorato di ricerca. in Chimica Medicinale nel 1982. È Professore nel Dipartimento di Scienze Farmacologiche e Farmaceutiche dell'Università di Houston, College of Pharmacy, Houston, TX. Il Dr. Bagchi è anche il Chief Scientific Officer di Cepham Inc., Piscataway, NJ. Il Dr. Bagchi ha ricevuto il Master of American College of Nutrition Award all'inizio di ottobre 2010. Attualmente è Presidente dell'International Society of Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods (ISNFF), Immediate Past President dell'American College of Nutrition, Clearwater, FL e Past Chair della divisione Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods dell'Institute of Food Technologists (IFT), Chicago, IL. Sta prestando servizio come Distinguished Advisor presso il Japanese Institute for Health Food Standards, Tokyo, Giappone. Il Dr. Bagchi è membro della sezione di studio e del comitato di revisione tra pari del National Institutes of Health (NIH), Bethesda, MD. Il Dr. Bagchi ha 303 articoli su riviste peer reviewed, 25 libri e numerosi brevetti. Il Dr. Bagchi è Membro della Society of Toxicology, Membro della New York Academy of Sciences, Fellow della Nutrition Research Academy e Membro del Comitato degli stakeholder TCE della Wright Patterson Air Force Base, OH. Il Dr. Bagchi è Associate Editors del Journal of Functional Foods e del Journal of the American College of Nutrition, e serve anche come membro del comitato editoriale di numerose riviste sottoposte a revisione paritaria, tra cui Antioxidants & Redox Signaling, Cancer Letters, Toxicology Mechanisms and Methods, The Original Internist e altri.

Descrizione di Il libro

Nutrition and Enhanced Sports Performance: Muscle Building, Endurance, and Strength pdf da Debasis Bagchi

Nutrition and Enhanced Sports Performance: Muscle Building, Endurance, and Strength provides a comprehensive overview to understanding the integrated impact of nutrition on performance. The book is divided into five main themes:
An introductory overview of the role of nutrition in human healthVarious types of physical exercises, including cardiovascular training, resistance training, aerobic and anaerobic exercise, bioenergetics, and energy balance. This section also covers the nutritional requirements associated with various fitness programs, as well as exercise and nutritional requirements in special populations, including the pre-pubertal, young, elderly, and disabled. Sports and nutritional requirements.The molecular mechanisms involved in muscle building A thorough review of various food, minerals, supplements, phytochemicals, amino acids, transition metals, small molecules and other ergogenic agents that have been implicated in muscle building and human performance
This book is an ideal resource for nutritionists, dietitians, exercise physiologists, health practitioners, researchers, students, athletes, trainers, and all those who wish to broaden their knowledge of nutrition and its role in human performance.
Discusses the impact of nutrition, including food, minerals, vitamins, hormones, trace elements, etc., that can significantly attenuate/improve human performance and sportsAddresses the molecular and cellular pathways involved in the physiology of muscle growth and the mechanisms by which nutrients affect muscle health, growth and maintenanceEncompasses multiple forms of sports/performance and the salient contribution of appropriate nutrition on special populations, including nutritional guidelines and recommendations to athletesStrong focus on muscle building.

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