There Were Giants Upon the Earth: Gods, Demigods, and Human Ancestry: The Evidence of Alien DNA

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Захария Ситчин - всемирно известный автор и исследователь, чьи книги свидетельствуют о том, что мы не одиноки в своей солнечной системе. Один из немногих ученых, способных читать шумерские клинописные таблички, он объединил археологию, древние тексты и Библию с последними научными открытиями, чтобы пересказать историю и предысторию человечества и планеты Земля. Его новаторские книги переведены более чем на двадцать языков; его первая, часто цитируемая классика, отмечает тридцатую годовщину ее публикации. Выпускник Лондонского университета, много лет работал журналистом и редактором в Израиле, сейчас он живет и пишет в Нью-Йорке.

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There Were Giants Upon the Earth: Gods, Demigods, and Human Ancestry: The Evidence of Alien DNA книга pdf прочитать и скачать Захария Ситчин

The crowning work of the best-selling Earth Chronicles series • Reveals the existence of physical evidence of alien presence on Earth in the distant past • Identifies and describes the demigods, such as Gilgamesh, descended from these visitors • Outlines the tests of this physical evidence of alien presence that could unlock the secrets of health, longevity, life, and death In whose genetic image were we made? From his first book The 12th Planet on, Zecharia Sitchin has asserted that the Bible’s Elohim who said “Let us fashion The Adam in our image and after our likeness” were the gods of Sumer and Babylon--the Anunnaki who had come to Earth from their planet Nibiru. The Adam, he wrote, was genetically engineered by adding Anunnaki genes to those of an existing hominid, some 300,000 years ago. Then, according to the Bible, intermarriage took place: “There were giants upon the Earth” who took Adam’s female offspring as wives, giving birth to “heroes of renown.” With meticulous detail, Sitchin shows that these were the demigods of Sumerian and Babylonian lore, such as the famed Mesopotamian king Gilgamesh as well as the hero of the Deluge, the Babylonian Utnapishtim. Are we then, all of us, descendants of demigods? In this crowning oeuvre, Zecharia Sitchin proceeds step-by-step through a mass of ancient writings and artifacts, leading the reader to the stunning Royal Tombs of Ur. He reveals a DNA source that could prove the biblical and Sumerian tales true, providing conclusive physical evidence for past alien presence on Earth and an unprecedented scientific opportunity to track down the “Missing Link” in humankind’s evolution, unlocking the secrets of longevity and even the ultimate mystery of life and death.

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