Author Hawraa Al-Nidawi

Hawraa Al-Nidawi PDF


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About Hawraa Al-Nidawi

Books review of author Hawraa Al-Nidawi pdf

An Iraqi storyteller and novelist, born in Baghdad in 1984. Her parents were imprisoned a few months after her birth, and she, an infant at the time, had to spend nearly a year and a half with her mother in the prisons of the former regime. They were released in 1986 when they were granted a general amnesty, as they had special provisions. Fearing that they would be imprisoned again, they left Iraq in 1991 and settled in Denmark, where she began receiving her education in Danish schools. As for the Arabic language, in which she began writing her creative products later, she learned it at home with the help of her parents, who are fluent in more than one language. She moved with her family to London in 2006, where she is studying linguistics, and she hopes to specialize in Arabic in the near future. Her first novel, Under the Copenhagen Sky, was published in 2010 and was longlisted for the Booker Prize for Arabic Fiction. Hawra Al-Nadawy talks about her novels under the Copenhagen sky, where she says that the work in them was based on my personal environment, but it was not autobiographical, in the sense of narrating purely personal events. The events and characters have nothing to do with me and my family, but they were inspired by my observations and follow-up of our small community in Copenhagen at the time. I wouldn't have been ashamed to tell the truth if the work was indeed my autobiography, but it is not. (Under the Copenhagen Sky) is her first novel, and she considered it an exercise in writing, especially since her motivation was innocent of all purpose. When she embarked on it, she had nothing but writing on her mind. Her novel received a lot of reading, review, and criticism.

تحت سماء كوبنهاغن
تحت سماء كوبنهاغن
Literary novels
تحت سماء كوبنهاغن pdf by Hawraa Al-Nidawi
Literary novels
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