Author Abdullah Maarouf

Abdullah Maarouf PDF


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About Abdullah Maarouf

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A researcher and specialist in the sciences of Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa Mosque, he is currently working as a teacher at Istanbul May 29 University in Istanbul, Turkey.

He completed his university studies in 2000 and obtained a bachelor's degree in theology from the University of Jordan. Then he joined directly the University of "Aberdeen" in Britain to obtain a master's degree in Jerusalem studies in 2005. In 2008 he obtained a doctorate from the same university, which is the only university that teaches this academic major. His letter examined the strategic plan of the Prophet Muhammad to open Jerusalem. He holds a license in the sciences of Al-Aqsa Mosque certified by the Dar Al Iftaa in Jerusalem.

أطلس معالم المسجد الاقصي المبارك
أطلس معالم المسجد الاقصي المبارك
Social sciences
أطلس معالم المسجد الاقصي المبارك pdf by Abdullah Maarouf