Mean Streak

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Sandra Brown












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Sandra Lynn Brown, geb. Cox (geb. 12. März 1948) ist eine US-amerikanische Bestsellerautorin von Liebesromanen und spannenden Thrillern.
Brown hat auch Werke unter den Pseudonymen Rachel Ryan, Laura Jordan und Erin St. Claire veröffentlicht
Sandra Brown wurde in Waco, Texas, geboren und wuchs in Fort Worth auf.
Sie studierte Anglistik an der Texas Christian University (TCU) in Fort Worth, verließ das College jedoch 1968, um ihren Ehemann Michael Brown, einen ehemaligen Fernsehnachrichtensprecher und preisgekrönten Dokumentarfilmer, für Dust to Dust zu heiraten.
Sie haben einen Sohn, Ryan.
Nach ihrer Heirat arbeitete Brown als Wetterforscherin für KLTV in Tyler und kehrte dann in den Großraum Dallas-Fort Worth zurück, wo sie Reporterin für die Version des PM Magazine von WFAA-TV wurde.
Brown begann ihre Karriere als Schriftstellerin 1981, nachdem ihr Mann sie dazu herausgefordert hatte.
Seitdem hat sie fast 70 Romane veröffentlicht und hatte mehr als 50 Bestseller der New York Times.
2008 wurde ihr von ihrer Alma Mater TCU die Ehrendoktorwürde für humane Briefe verliehen.
Ihr Roman French Silk wurde 1994 für das Fernsehen verfilmt. Susan Lucci, Shari Belafonte und Lee Horsley spielten die Hauptrollen.
Im Jahr 2016 wurde ihr Roman White Hot in einen Hallmark Movies & Mysteries Original-Film mit dem Titel Sandra Browns White Hot umgewandelt.
2007 wirkte sie an der Serie Murder By The Book von Court TV über den Mord an Betty Gore in Wylie, Texas, am 13. Juni 1980 mit.
Ihr Buch Seeing Red wurde am 17. August 2017 veröffentlicht.

Beschreibung des Buches

Mean Streak Roman pdf lesen und herunterladen von Sandra Brown

Dr. Emory Charbonneau, a pediatrician and marathon runner, disappears on a mountain road in North Carolina. By the time her husband Jeff, miffed over a recent argument, reports her missing, the trail has grown cold. Literally. Fog and ice encapsulate the mountainous wilderness and paralyze the search for her.
While police suspect Jeff of "instant divorce," Emory, suffering from an unexplained head injury, regains consciousness and finds herself the captive of a man whose violent past is so dark that he won't even tell her his name. She's determined to escape him, and willing to take any risks necessary to survive.
Unexpectedly, however, the two have a dangerous encounter with people who adhere to a code of justice all their own. At the center of the dispute is a desperate young woman whom Emory can't turn her back on, even if it means breaking the law. Wrong becomes right at the hands of the man who strikes fear, but also sparks passion.
As her husband's deception is revealed, and the FBI closes in on her captor, Emory begins to wonder if the man with no name is, in fact, her rescuer from those who wish her dead - and from heartbreak.
Combining the nail-biting suspense and potent storytelling that has made Sandra Brown one of the world's best loved authors, MEAN STREAK is a wildly compelling novel about love, deceit, and the choices we must make in order to survive.
"Emory hurt all over. It hurt even to breathe. The foggy air felt full of something invisible but sharp, like ice crystals or glass shards. She was underdressed. The raw cold stung her face where the skin was exposed. It made her eyes water, requiring her to blink constantly to keep the tears from blurring her vision and obscuring her path. A stitch had developed in her side. It clawed continually, grabbed viciously. The stress fracture in her right foot was sending shooting pains up into her shin. But owning the pain, running through it, overcoming it, was a matter of self-will and discipline. She’d been told she possessed both. In abundance. To a fault. But this was what all the difficult training was for. She could do this. She had to. Push on, Emory. Place one foot in front of the other. Eat up the distance one yard at a time."



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