下载所有文献和书籍 阿卜杜勒·塞勒姆·阿尔特马南 pdf
他就是 Abd al-Salam bin Ibrahim al-Termanini。 他的家人属于阿勒颇附近的 Termanin 村。 He was born in Aleppo in 1913. He obtained a state doctorate in law from the Faculty of Law - University of Paris in 1939, then was elected president of the Bar in Syria in 1947, then was appointed Dean of the Faculty of Law at the 1962年进入阿勒颇大学,后任大马士革大学民法系主任。1970年与科威特大学签约,1971年至1986年任教。此后,他返回阿勒颇市定居,直至任教。死亡。