ثلاثية أطفال الحجارة

ثلاثية أطفال الحجارة pdf


Nizar Qabbani









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A contemporary Syrian diplomat and poet, he was born on March 21, 1923 from an ancient Damascene family, as his grandfather Abu Khalil al-Qabbani is considered the pioneer of Arab theater. He studied law at the Syrian University, and upon his graduation in 1945, he joined the diplomatic corps, moving between different capitals until he submitted his resignation in 1966; He issued his first volumes in 1944, entitled “The Samra Said to Me.” He followed the process of writing and publishing, which reached during half a century, 35 books, most notably “Nahd’s Childhood” and “Painting with Words.” He established a publishing house for his works in Beirut under the name “Nizar Qabbani Publications” and Damascus and Beirut had space Especially in his poems, perhaps the most prominent of them are "The Damascene Poem" and "Ya Sit Al-Dunya, O Beirut". The 1967 war, which the Arabs called the "setback", brought about a decisive juncture in his experience, as it took him out of his traditional style as a "poet of love and women" for his intervention in politics. . He died on April 30, 1998, at the age of 75 in London, and his body was transferred to Damascus, where he was buried after a mass funeral in which the different spectrums of Damascene society participated, along with Syrian and Arab artists and intellectuals. Among his works are collections (1944) The Brunette Said to Me (1948) The Childhood of a Boob (1949) Samba (1950) You are Mine (1956) Poems (1961) My Love (1966) Painting with Words (1968) Diary of a Careless Woman (1970) Wild Poems (1970) ) The Book of Love (1970) A Hundred Love Letters (1972) Outlaw Poems (1978) I Love You I Love You and the Rest Comes (1978) To Beirut The Female With My Love (1978) Every Year You Are My Love (1979) I bear witness that there is no woman but you (1979) The Secret Diaries of Baheya al-Masrya (1981) This Is How I Write Women’s History (1981) The Lovers’ Dictionary (1982) Balqis’ Poem (1985) Love Doesn’t Stand on a Red Light (1985) Crazy Poems (1986) Poems that are Enraged (1987) Love Will Always Be My Master (1988) The Children of Stones Trilogy (1988) The Secret Papers of a Qarmati Lover (1988) The Autobiography of an Arab Swordsman (1988) I Married You, Freedom (1989) Sulfur is in My Hand and Your States are of Paper

Book Description

ثلاثية أطفال الحجارة pdf by Nizar Qabbani

عن الكتاب: بهروا الدنيا وما في يدهم إلا الحجارة... وأضاؤوا كالقناديل، وجاؤوا كالبشارة، قاوموا... وانفجروا، واستشهدوا... وبقينا دبباً قطبية، صفحت أجسادها ضد الحرارة. قاتلوا عنا... إلى أن قتلوا. وبقينا في مقاهينا، كبصّاق المحارة... واحد يبحث منا عن تجارة، واحد... يطلب ملياراً جديداً وزواجاً رابعاً... ونهوداً صقلتهن الحضارة... واحد... يبحث عن عرش... وجيش... وإمارة... آه... يا جيل الخيانات... ويا جيل العمولات... ويا جيل النفايات... ويا جيل الدعارة سوف يجتاحك-مهما أبطأً التاريخ-أطفال الحجارة..." "في كثير من الأحيان، يتوهم الشاعر أنه سيد النص الذي يكتبه في حين أن دوره الحقيقي في عملية الكتابة لا يتعدى دور الممثل الذي يعيد كلمات الملقن، ودور الأجير الذي يطيع أو أمر سيده" هكذا وصف نزار قباني عمله في "ثلاثية أطفال الحجارة"، فهو في هذا الديوان لم يلعب دور سيد النص وإنما لعب دور المتلقن الذي يستعد مادة نصه من كلمات الملقن والذي هو في هذه النصوص طفل الحجارة. بأصابع هذا الطفل الصغيرة النحيلة، الدامية، كتبت... وألفت... ونزفت... وأمرت بتخليد ما فعلت في كتب التاريخ، والسياسة والشعر، "ونزار" هو واحد ممن استجابوا لهذا النداء، فحول بطولاته إلى كلمات وتعابير تصور شجاعته وإيمانه بقضيته

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