Author nbal qundus

nbal qundus PDF


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About nbal qundus

Books review of author nbal qundus pdf

I practiced writing since I breathed in youth, and I breathed reading since I breathed language. I started blogging through a page on the social networking site "Facebook" and for some reason the page has grown dramatically in a matter of short months. I write about absence flowing in a torrent of nostalgia; About every woman who hung her coat of wishes after a rainy night with disappointments.. and waited for spring, but the spring did not come. I write for life, for the sun, the moon and the stars! For love, adoration, love and nostalgia. For sin, for forgiveness, for cruelty and kindness. To drag, to join, to open and to break (!). For the light emanating in a short thought about hope (!) and the shy cry in the poem. I write because writing is like reading “life”. Because gossip on paper makes it history. Type ! A dream book was issued to me on the waiting list by Dar Al-Jundi for Publishing and Distribution, a graduate of City Engineering from An-Najah National University - Palestine

أحلام على قائمة الإنتظار
أحلام على قائمة الإنتظار
أحلام على قائمة الإنتظار pdf by nbal qundus
يافا حكاية غياب ومطر
يافا حكاية غياب ومطر
Literary novels
يافا حكاية غياب ومطر pdf by nbal qundus