Books review of author Thomas Aquinas pdf
Thomas Aquinas (Dominican monk) (1225 - 1274) was an Italian Catholic priest and saint of the Dominican Order, and an influential philosopher and theologian within the scholastic tradition. One of the thirty-three teachers of the Church, known as the angelic world (Doctor Angelicus) and the surrounding world (Doctor Universalis). He is usually referred to as Thomas, and Aquinas attributes it to his residence at Aquinas. He was one of the influential figures in natural theology, and is the father of the Thomistic school of philosophy and theology. His influence is wide on Western philosophy, and many of the ideas of modern Western philosophy are either a revolution against his ideas or an agreement with them, especially in matters of ethics, natural law and political theory. Aquinas is considered the ideal teacher for those studying to be priests in the Catholic Church. He is known by his operation as the epitome of divinity, creation, and the Creator. Many Christians consider him the Church's greatest philosopher, so many educational institutions are named after him.