Books review of author Emad Eddin Khalil pdf
Imad al-Din Khalil (born 1358 AH - 1939 AD) is a historian and thinker, from the people of Mosul. Imad al-Din Khalil al-Talib was born in Mosul in the year 1358 AH - 1939 AD (and it was said in the year 1941 AD) that he obtained a Bachelor of Arts, from the University of Baghdad, in the year 1382 AH - 1962 AD. Then he obtained a master's degree in Islamic history, also from the University of Baghdad, in the year 1385 AH - 1965 AD. And then a doctorate degree in Islamic history, from Ain Shams University, in the year 1388 AH - 1968 AD. His books, History, Methods and Philosophy, Features of the Islamic Revolution in the Caliphate of Omar bin Abdul Aziz, Dar Al-Ilmiyya Beirut - 1970. Imad Al-Din Zangi, Al-Resala Foundation, Beirut - 1972. A Study in Biography, Al-Resala Foundation and Dar Al-Nafais, Beirut - 1974. Islamic Interpretation of History, Dar Al-Ilm for Millions, Beirut - 1975. The Cruel Siege, Features of Our Tragedies in Africa, Al-Resala Foundation, Beirut - 1978. The Emirates of Progress in the Euphrates Island and the Levant. Al-Resala Foundation, Beirut - 1980. Noureddine Mahmoud: The Man and the Experience, Dar Al-Qalam, Damascus - 1981. In Islamic History: Chapters in Method and Analysis, The Islamic Bureau, Beirut, 1981. The Islamic Resistance to the Crusader Invasion: The Age of Seljuk Rulers. Al-Maaref Library, Riyadh, 1981, in Mosul. Studying history, The Islamic Bureau, Beirut, 1983. Ibn Khaldun is an Islamist. The Islamic Bureau, Beirut, 1983. On the rewriting of Islamic history, Dar Al Thaqafa, Doha - 1986. Orientalists and the Biography of the Prophet, a comparative research in the curriculum of Dar Al Thaqafa, Doha, 1989. Contemporary British Orientalist: Montgomery Watt. An analysis of Islamic history; General framework of the House of Culture, Doha 1990. The Historical Perspective in the Thought of Sayyid Qutb, Dar Al Qalam, Beirut - 1994. The West's View of the Present of Islam and the Future of Dar Al Nafais, Beirut - 1999. The Guide to History and Civilization in the Noble Prophetic Hadiths, Jordan Office of the International Institute of Islamic Thought, Amman -2000 in partnership with Eng. Hassan Al Razzo. Introduction to Islamic History and Civilization, International Islamic University Malaysia - 2001 AD. Unity and Diversity in Muslim History, Dar al-Fikr, Damascus, 2002 AD.